Thursday, July 9, 2009

Tips Of The Week

Tip 1:
Whenever Pop-Up Stopper blocks a Pop-up window, it will produce some visual effects (Flash, Bubble, Cursor) apart from giving a sound. Since all three types of visual effects are enabled by default, you might feel irritated by the visual effects whenever a Pop-up window is blocked. Right click on the Taskbar icon of Pop-Up Stopper, go to Preferences -> Pop-up Notification -> Visual Notification. Select any one type of visual alert (my preference is flash) and click OK.
Tip 2:
In 3, you can directly open a new or an existing file in any module, without opening that particular application. For instance, if you are working in Writer and need to open a spreadsheet, click on the FILE tab in the Menubar. Then click on NEW for a new spreadsheet or click on OPEN to open an existing file. This function is not available in MS Office at present and thus you just can't jump from Word to Excel in it.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

MSOffice 2007 Vs 3

Question Of The Week

MSOffice 2007 Vs 3
What are the differences?

This is a very big question. Believe me, it will take many pages to write a complete answer for this question, especially if you want a component comparison (e.g. Word Vs Writer). But, remember... my blog is meant for Home PC users only. So, I will try to put the answer in a nut-shell. Also, I assume that most of you are using MS Office and I will present it from the view-point of 3.
1. Cost: 3 is totally free for download whereas you have to pay for MS Office.
2. Size: 3 takes only one-third to one-half of disk space when compared to MS Office. This holds true both before installation (Setup file) and after installation (Program Folder and Common Files).
3. Source Code: 3 is a open-source program but MS Office is not. It means 3 has no hidden functions.
4. Operability: 3 is somewhat simpler to use with better designs. Moreover, it can open any document created by MS Office whereas the converse is not true, well... at least for the time being (I guess Microsoft is working on MS Office to open the documents created by
5. Updates:
You will be getting large and frequent incremental updates for MS Office because newer versions will be released once in 3 or 4 years only (and you have to pay again). For 3, you will get a notification whenever they release a newer version (probably twice a year) but no incremental updates (smaller/larger or whatsoever).
6. Operating System: 3 runs in multiple operating systems, such as Microsoft Windows, Mac, Linux, and Sun Solaris whereas MS Office works in Windows and Mac platforms only.
7. Language support: 3 user interface is available in over 40 languages and the OOo project provides spelling, hyphenation and thesaurus dictionaries in over 70 languages and dialects whereas Microsoft has released seperate language packs (in 37 languages) for MS Office (again you have to pay!!).
1. Speed:
When you start or when you open an office file, it takes considerable time to load the program as well as the document when compared to MS Office and it also occupies more physical memory.
2. Fonts: has limited number of fonts only. Although it works in multiple operating systems, the desired fonts need to be installed.
Like you, I am also curious to know why OpenOffice was named like a website with a .ORG!? If you know the answer, somebody tell me.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Pop-Up Stopper

Program Of The Week

Pop-Up Stopper

In recent times, I have noted that none of the popular browsers are efficient in blocking pop-up windows while surfing the web. At last, I found this program to put a Full-Stop to all pop-ups. This program is simply amazing. It just shoots down every pop-up. And yet, it allows download pop-ups. Its free edition works for Internet Explorer and Netscape whereas Pro edition works for Firefox too. The trial period of Pro edition is 30 days only. After that, you have to be content with the free edition if you don't want to spend. Just download it, install it and forget it.

Monday, July 6, 2009

FSI Language Courses

Website Of The Week

Have you ever thought of learning a foreign language? Now is the time and here is a website for you. FSI stands for Foreign Service Institute which comes under U.S. Dept. of State. But, this site is not affiliated in any way with any government entity. It just presents us the language courses developed by FSI. It is an independent, non-profit effort to foster the learning of worldwide languages. Courses here are made available through the private efforts of individuals who are donating their time and resources to provide quality materials for language learning. Both text (PDF) and audio (MP3) materials are available for free download.