Friday, September 25, 2009

Tips Of The Week

Tip 1:
Some of the points given in "How To Elude PC Viruses?" are discussed in detail in previous posts under relevant topics.
Tip 2:
Formatting the C drive once or twice a year won't affect your system's performance as feared by many. In fact, it will refresh your system because while formatting a drive, bad sectors of HDD can be detected and most of them can be fixed. You can install all the programs again, like writing on a clean slate.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

How To Elude PC Viruses?

Question Of The Week

How To Elude PC Viruses?

1. Be careful about what type of sites you visit. There are many unscrupulous websites out there (especially those with adult content or cracks/keygens) that will readily infect your machine with a virus.

2. If you can't avoid visiting such websites, at least be content with browsing them and avoid downloads. Even while browsing, most of the websites will ask your permission to install some form of ACTIVE -X- CONTROL. Don't allow any, unless you are confident.

3. While searching for serials of a trial software, some websites will ask you to download a file which contains the serial instead of displaying it in the webpage itself. It is most likely a virus! So also are most of the cracks and keygens. And the final fact is... Antivirus Programs can't sometimes differentiate between a virus and a genuine keygen.

4. Always try to download any software from its homesite. Patched programs might be harmful.

5. For that matter, any downloaded file (MP3, AVI, PDF, TXT etc.,) can harbor a virus. That's why Torrent Downloads are slightly safer than Direct Downloads, because you can go through the user comments before downloading any .TORRENT file.

6. Do not touch e-mails and their attachments from unknown sources. Of course, you can visit the SPAM folder to see the list of mails because sometimes you might find a friend's or a genuine website's mail there.

7. You have to be cautious about forwarded e-mails. Even if it is in your inbox (not a SPAM), even if it is from your friend (he/she may be unaware of virus content), it still may be harmful.

8. Do not run your PC in Administrator mode while browsing. Running in Administrator mode is necessary only when you're installing some hardware or software. By running in a guest mode, you can avoid some invasive attacks.

9. Run a complete scan in your (updated) Antivirus Program at least once a month. Try to make a fresh installation of your operating system once or twice a year by formatting the C drive.

10. Always keep up with new versions/ updates of your web browser to fight the virus attacks.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

File Splitter & Joiner (FFSJ)

Program Of The Week

File Splitter & Joiner (FFSJ)

If you are a regular movie downloader, you must be aware of HJsplit. Since movie files are large, they are usually split into smaller parts by uploaders. For instance, a 700 MB file will be split into seven 100 MB files and renamed with extensions like .001, .002, .003 etc., by HJsplit. Downloaders can join those split parts into original movie file again by HJsplit. Rarely you might have seen some downloaded files having extensions like ._a, ._b, ._c and so on. Now, HJsplit can't join those files! What will you do?

Here comes File Splitter & Joiner (FFSJ). It can join files with both types of extensions (001 and _a). Moreover FFSJ gives two options while splitting (1. Size of split files in MB, 2. Number of split files) where as HJsplit gives only one option (i.e. Size of split files in KB). Finally FFSJ uses MD5 signature which is an algorithm used to check the data integrity of files. Thus File Splitter & Joiner (FFSJ) is notably better than HJsplit.

Monday, September 21, 2009


Website Of The Week

Are you living in India? Are you planning to buy some electronic product in the near future? Are you interested to find out the actual prices before going for shopping? Just visit this website and enter the technical name or brand name (or both) in the searchbox. It gives you the recent market prices in Indian rupees. Quite useful indeed. This website also provides information about the latest offers made by mobile and internet service providers.