Friday, July 23, 2010

Tips Of The Week

Tip 1:
Of course, you can install both the 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows in your main PC itself by creating a partition in C Drive and boot whichever you want. But, it is a complex procedure and is meant for advanced users only. Moreover, you will need a lot of hard disk space (minimum of 20 Gb for 32-bit and 30 GB for 64-bit installations).
Tip 2:
If you want to enhance your gaming experience with 64-bit, it'll be better if you also upgrade your video card and update display drivers.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

32-bit Vs 64-bit

Question Of The Week

32-bit Vs 64-bit
Which Is The Right Choice?

What Is 64-bit?
64-bit refers to the number of bits (the smallest unit of information on a PC) that can be processed or transmitted in parallel, or used as single element in a data format. The term is often applied to the following in a PC.
1. Microprocessor:
Indicates the width of the registers which are special high-speed storage areas within the CPU. A 64-bit microprocessor can process data that is represented by a minimum of 64 bits.
2. Operating system:
Refers to the minimum number of bits used to represent memory addresses.

Which Is The Right Choice?
Normally, the Operating system (OS) we are using in a PC is 32-bit version of Windows 7, XP, Vista, Linux or Mac. 64-bit OS gives multitasking ability (running many programs at the same time) with higher speed. Those users who fulfill at least the first 2 of the following criteria, can go for 64-bit version of their Operating system.
1. Those who own more than one PC!!
Always use 32-bit version of OS in your main PC. This is because most of the programs developed for 32-bit OS, won't work with 64-bit OS. Naturally if you have a second PC, you can try 64-bit OS in that.
2. 64-bit Compatible Hardware:
The PC on which you want to install 64-bit OS, should have a CPU capable of handling 64-bit data and a high capacity RAM (minimum 2 GB).
3. Crazy Gamers!!
If you are a great lover of PC games, 64-bit OS will give you a big time with large games specially created for 64-bit.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Program Of The Week


Have you ever tried to delete or rename a file or folder and got one of the following messages?

1. Cannot delete/ rename file: Access is denied.
2. There has been a sharing violation.
3. The source or destination file may be in use.
4. The file is in use by another program or user.
5. Make sure the disk is not full or write-protected.

If you are sure that no program running at that moment is using that file, you can try "Unlocker" next time you get such a message. After installation, Unlocker is added to context menu. Just right-click on the file or folder which you want to delete or rename and select Unlocker. If the file or folder is locked then a window will appear with a list of processes locking the file or folder. Click on "Unlock" and then you can delete or rename that file or folder. Alternatively, you can start Unlocker from the "Start Menu" or a desktop shortcut and choose the target file or folder.

Monday, July 19, 2010


Website Of The Week

Are you planning to install 64 bit version of WINDOWS in your PC? This website will help you with Drivers, Program files, guidelines etc., All you have to do is think twice before installing 64 bit !!