Thursday, February 26, 2009

Tips Of The Week

Tip 1:
In search results page, along with the file name and size, the release date of the torrent will also be displayed. It becomes important especially in movie torrents because only if that coincides with the release date of original DVD, it is reliable. Otherwise, it is most likely to be a pirated camrip or even a junk file.
Tip 2:
In search results page, the presence of a green tick mark against the file name, indicates that the source of the torrent is verified and reliable.
Tip 3:
If you try to use the search box provided in uTorrent, you might ultimately land up in only. How? Find out yourself !!
Tip 4:
Even though uTorrent excels in its performance as the best BitTorrent Client, its source code is unknown. Experts say that it's quite possible for the uTorrent developers to add anything they want to the program, such as DRM protection, or copyright breach reporting, without the users' knowledge.
Tip 5:
Those viewers who were panicked by the previous tip, try Azureus. It is another BitTorrent Client and its source code is known. No hidden functions. Moreover, it can run on any operating system because it is based on Java Runtime Enviroment. Only problem is, it requires a capable CPU (at least 2 GHrtz), and a spacious RAM (at least 1 GB).
Tip 6:
Did you know that you can play Tetris Game using uTorrent? Just click the HELP tab in its menu bar and then ABOUT UTORRENT. A small window opens and now press the letter “t” without quotes on your keyboard. And you will able to play the Hidden Tetris Game!!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

What is a Torrent?

Question Of The Week

What is a Torrent?

Generally downloads are of two types. One is Direct Download; Another is Torrent Download. When you click on a DOWNLOAD button on a webpage, to download a file directly from that website server, it is a Direct Download.
Torrent (also known as BitTorrent) is a peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing communication protocol. It is a method of distributing large amounts of data widely to a large number of recipients at the same time. When data is distributed using the Torrent protocol, each recipient supplies fragments of the data to newer recipients, reducing the burden on the original distributor who started that torrent. This protocol was originally developed by BitTorrent Inc., of USA.
Torrent file:
A Torrent file (.TORRENT) which is only a few KB in size, contains all the information needed to download a large file for which the torrent was created. That information includes file names, their sizes, trackers and so on.
BitTorrent client:
Torrent downloader programs that download files using the BitTorrent protocol through a .TORRENT file are known as BitTorrent clients.
A torrent tracker is a server toolkit application that runs from a website which hosts torrent files. The tracker's URL is embedded in the torrent file. The tracker assists in the communication between peers using the BitTorrent protocol. It maintains information about all BitTorrent clients utilizing each torrent. Specifically, the tracker identifies the network location of each client either uploading or downloading the P2P file associated with a torrent. It also tracks which fragment(s) of that file each client possesses, to assist in efficient data sharing between clients.
All BitTorrent Clients traced by a torrent tracker are known as Peers. They can be divided into two groups. The group of persons downloading a torrent are known as Leechers. The group of persons who possess all fragments of the torrent and distribute the data to the leechers are known as Seeders. When a leecher successfully downloads 100% data in the torrent, that peer becomes a Seeder as well.
BitTorrent protocol has become the most popular way of downloading large files like movies, music, software and games. You can get torrent files from torrent websites and torrent search engines. Downloading with a torrent file is actually very simple. You just need a BitTorrent client to open the torrent file. Set a location where you want to download desired files, define upload/download speed limits by RIGHT CLICKing on each torrent and then just wait until it's finished.


In most countries, it is illegal to distribute copyrighted materials like movies, music, software and games through BitTorrent protocol without the permission of the copyright holder despite the fact that a website tracker does not actually host or distribute any copyrighted data itself.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Program Of The Week


Well... Don't tell me that we are already using this program. There are many torrent downloader programs available in the Web. Surveys show that nearly 60% of the users vote for uTorrent. The rest (40%) of the votes is shared by all other programs. The reason, in simple terms is... uTorrent is the smallest, simplest, fastest and the most efficient program and thus the Best !!

Monday, February 23, 2009


Website Of The Week

Are you downloading your torrent files from just one (however popular it maybe) website? Well, try this one. This is actually a torrent search engine.
Enter the file name in the search box of It will search the entire web and present you a list of ALL ACTIVE TORRENTS from various websites with the file size and the total Seeder/Leecher count. From the list, click on the one which suits you most. Now you can view the names of all websites in which that torrent file is available and all the trackers for that torrent alongwith seeder/leecher count for each tracker. If that torrent is a folder, you can find out all the contents (i.e. Subfolders and Files with file type and size). You can also go through the user comments (if available). Then, click on any one of the website names (go for your favourite one now, if available) and that will take you to the download page. Read the description of the torrent and user comments of that particular website before finally downloading the torrent file.
It seems is being bugged by hackers recently. So the administrators have provided an alternative address -