Question Of The Week
How To Record Audio Tapes into MP3?
Many a times, you would've wanted to download a particular rare song from internet. But it wouldn't be available. You might just have that song in your old audio tapes.
What would you do?
Very simple. Convert it into MP3!! All you need is a stereo cable with 3.5 mm stereo pins at both ends (and of course, Sony Audio Studio program).
Step 1:
Connect one end of the cable to HEADPHONES socket of your tape recorder. Connect the other end to MICROPHONE socket in the front panel of your PC.
Step 2:
Double click on the REALTEK Audio Manager Tray Icon in the task bar (Right Lower corner of Desktop). Go to Audio I/O -> Analog -> Connector Settings. Unselect "Mute Rear Panel Output When Front Headphone Plugged In". Then select "Disable Front Panel Jack Detection".
Step 3:
Right click on the VOLUME icon in the task bar. Click on ADJUST AUDIO PROPERTIES. A new window named SOUNDS and AUDIO DEVICES PROPERTIES will open up. Go to Audio -> Sound Playback -> Volume. Now another window named MASTER VOLUME will open up. You will find a series of Volume controls. Keep the MASTER VOLUME about halfway. See that MIC volume is not muted. If you don't find MIC volume at all, go to OPTIONS -> PROPERTIES of the MASTER VOLUME window and select MIC volume in the given list.
Step 4:
In the SOUNDS and AUDIO DEVICES PROPERTIES window, go to Audio -> Sound Recording -> Volume. Select MIC Volume and keep the window open... You'll need it.
Step 5:
Open your Sony Audio Studio. You'll find the menu bar starting with FILE, EDIT etc, as usual. Below that you can see two Icon bars. Click on the first icon of first icon bar. A new window named SOUND1 will open. Now, Click on the first icon of second icon bar. Another window named RECORD - SOUND1 will open. Choose the mode as MULTIPLE TAKES. Select MONITOR; it will show you the decibel levels of both channels of stereo.
Step 6:
Start playing your favourite song in the tape recorder. Now see the decibel levels in the RECORD - SOUND1 window. You should see two active greenish columns with a yellowish tinge on top. If you don't see active columns, kindly repeat Step 2 now. If you happen to see Orange/Red tops, go to SOUND RECORDING Volume Control window which we kept open in step 3. Adjust the selected MIC Volume until the decibel levels in the RECORD - SOUND1 window reach the desired levels (Greenish columns with a yellowish tinge on top). Then press the STOP button of your tape recorder and REWIND it to the starting point of the song.
Step 7:
Click on the RECORD icon in the RECORD - SOUND1 window. Then press the PLAY button in your tape recorder. When the song is finished, click on the RECORD icon again in the RECORD - SOUND1 window and CLOSE it. Now SAVE the SOUND1 file. That's it. Congratulations. You have converted your favourite song into MP3 successfully.
You can open the saved file later to trim the edges (Unwanted recording before starting and after stopping the tape recorder). Read the HELP section of Sony Audio Studio to CUT, COPY and PASTE !!